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Tea Leaves



Here at Willow, we're all about crafting unique flavor combinations that tantalize your taste buds. We source high-quality teas from around the world, squeeze fresh lemonade daily, and get creative with our dirty soda concoctions. Whether you're a tea traditionalist, a lemonade lover, or a dirty soda enthusiast, we have something to surprise and delight you.

We go crazy for matcha around here!
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Enjoying my favorite soda
Brewing a Legacy: Aubrie's Story at Willow Beverage Co.
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I started Willow Beverage Company at the young age of 20. Juggling college, work (not just one, but two jobs!), and the dream of building something of my own wasn't always easy. My love for flavorful beverages started young, with a magical tea party on my 8th birthday. That spark grew even stronger when I landed my first job at a local coffee shop at 16. While coffee wasn't my cup of tea (pun intended!), I dove headfirst into the world of loose leaf wonders.


I'm passionate about using my experience to empower other women to chase their dreams and to introduce everyone to exciting flavor adventures. Whether you're a tea traditionalist, a lemonade lover, or a dirtie soda enthusiast, we have something special waiting for you.


As a 3rd generation farmer, I understand the importance of heritage and community. My family's farm, Heritage Farm and Ranch, has instilled in me the value of hard work and fresh, high-quality ingredients.


Building this dream wouldn't have been possible without my incredible support system. From my amazing family and friends to my mentors at Lev Coffee Shop in Elgin, Oklahoma, and Urban Teahouse in Oklahoma City, I owe them a huge debt of gratitude. Their encouragement and guidance have been instrumental in my journey.


Come join us at Willow and discover a world of flavor possibilities! We can't wait to share a cup (or two) with you.

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